An ancient ritual.
A modern day healing practice.
“One of the most essential aspects of this traditional ritual is that Lomi Lomi is a modality of pure love. The work comes from the heart and through the hands resulting in healing at a level beyond comprehension by the mind; it is a movement of pure love and grace, even to observe a ‘treatment’ is to receive it… this is the way of Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi. ”
Sherman Dudoit (Raman Das)
Lomi Lomi – to knead or make soft.
Long flowing strokes mimicking the rhythmic waves of the ocean. A deeply relaxing, hypnotic-like experience. The joyful receiving of life energy and loving, nurturing touch. Just some of the things you can expect from this traditional Hawaiian ritual.
In ancient Polynesia existed the healing practice of Lomi Lomi which means to “knead or to squeeze and to make soft”. Mothers would “lomi” their children from birth, paying particular attention to the infants stomach and feet, using primarily coconut oil - one of the most healing substances on this planet.
More than a relaxation tool, Lomi Lomi is a spiritual, philosophical and physical practice that can bring mind, body and spirit into balance.
Lomi Lomi has the power to create an altered state of consciousness and sacred experience – both for the giver and receiver. It works from the belief that memories are not just stored in the brain and mind, but also in every cell of the human body. The long, continuous strokes of Lomi Lomi are designed to help let go of its old patterns and behaviours which can often cause tension in the body.
Lomi Lomi’s potential for reconnecting and balancing the body, mind and soul is endless. Making it a regular part of wellness ritual can provide benefits in all aspects of your life.
Immerse yourself in the healing energy that is Lomi Lomi.
Lomi Lomi works with the body, mind and spirit as one integrated being. Some of its benefits may include:
a deep sense of calm, feeling nurtured and revitalised
a feeling of being deeply honoured with aloha (unconditional love)
release of tension held in the body
improved immune system response
elevated mood, balancing mind, body and soul
improved blood and lymphatic flow
detoxification of the body
release of energy blocks and emotions
a deeper connection to self and others.
Lomi Lomi is more than just a relaxation massage. Instead, it is a heart-centred ritual that works intuitively with your body energetically, making way for an incredibly healing experience. You can expect to experience long, continuous and rhythmic strokes to release, shift tensions and free up energy flow.
You will be asked to (ideally) remove all clothing while being discreetly draped in a sarong / throw to preserve your modesty. However, we are here to ensure a safe, welcoming and nurturing experience and all treatments can be modified to suit your level of comfort.
One of the many beautiful things of this Hawaiian ritual is its association with its geographic origins. Just imagine your Lomi Lomi as a little piece of Hawaii as you immerse yourself and surrender to the hypnotic-like strokes.
Blissful, lighter, calm, more connected to self. Our goal is to provide a deeply compassionate, caring and supportive experience …. where your massage is given from a deep state of presence and love. So you can expect to feel truly held, supported and nurtured. This can, at times, leave you feeling quite emotional during or afterward your session. If that is the case , please know that it is entirely normal and we encourage you to let the emotions flow!
We suggest avoiding eating anything heavy or drinking alcohol in the hours leading up to your massage. You are also encouraged to avoid alcohol afterwards - instead, drink plenty of water to flush any toxins out.
Hawaiian Philosophy of Life:
7 Principles of the Huna
Throughout my personal and professional development journey, I have always been fascinated by learning from other cultures and the ancient wisdom of ancestors. As I’ve discovered my deep seeded passion for Lomi Lomi, I’ve also delved into Hawaiian Philosophy and the core principles and beliefs of the Huna. These principles offer so much insight and provide a steady compass for how life should be lived.